Why prevention is a great way to look after your health


French healthcare professionals are claiming that they are exhausted, particularly since the COVID19 episode. Patients are complaining that they are being treated like diseased organs rather than people during medical consultations that are becoming shorter and less frequent. And researchers are observing an increase in social and regional health inequalities. How can we move away from a vision in which health appears to be reduced to a hospital-centric system of diagnosis and treatment?


Professor Grégory Ninot

Professor at the University of Montpellier, specialising in the evaluation of non-drug interventions (NDIs)

A new company in 2050’s ecosystem: Why we invested in Bene Bono


Bene Bono is on a mission to tackle food waste, empower farmers, democratize access to organic fruits and vegetables, and drive innovation in the food industry. Its core values align seamlessly with our investment policy and respond to a large problem.


Diana Krantz

A good night’s sleep: a true elixir for the mind


Night always follows day, but no two nights are the same. Just as our smartphones, tablets and laptops need to be recharged, our sleep allows us to recharge or reset our brain to help it perform at its best.


Professor Laurent Karila

Psychiatrist specialised in addiction

Migraines and diet: myths and realities


Migraines are recurrent, severe and debilitating headaches that affect 10 to 15% of the world’s population, with 6 to 8% of sufferers being severely affected. They are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and visual disturbances.


Olivier Coudron

Doctor, laureate of the Paris Faculty of Medicine, Scientific and Educational Director of the SiiN Institute (Scientific institute for reasoned nutrition)

Health, gut microbiota and physical activity: is there a link?


Who would have thought it? Our microbiota could influence our motivation and performance.

When we are born, another birth takes place at the same: that of our gut microbiota. Also known as the “intestinal flora”, this microbial ecosystem, with which we live in symbiosis, comprises no fewer than 40,000 billion bacteria and other microorganisms that populate our gastrointestinal tract, particularly our large bowel. Over the last fifteen years or so, scientists have been able to study this ecosystem more closely and gain a better understanding of it. And they all agree on one point: there is a strong link between our general health and our gut microbiota.


Doctor Julien Scanzi

Hepato-Gastroenterologist at Thiers Hospital and Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital

When the air is polluted, it affects every environment


Pollution can be caused by a variety of activities: industry, agriculture, transport, human activity, household waste, etc. No matter where you are, there are always some traces of pollution. Although air quality is the most cross-cutting issue when it comes to pollution, it is important not to focus too narrowly, because human health and the environment are inextricably linked. That’s what Jacques Patris, Chairman of ATMO Hauts-de-France, explains in an interview.


Jacques Patris

Chairman of Atmo HDF, Member of the Atmo France Board and National Air/Health Coordinator for Atmo France.

Addiction doesn’t just happen!


The use of psychoactive substances, whether these are legal (tobacco, alcohol, anti-anxiety medications, hypnotic medications, opioid-based medications) or illegal (cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, new synthetic drugs, etc.), or screen-based behaviours (social networking, online sexual activities, gambling, video games, shopping) follows a gradual path from simple use to excessive or problematic use to addiction (also known as dependence).


Professor Laurent Karila

Psychiatrist specialised in addiction

How to unleash Potential through Knowledge


At 2050, Knowledge it’s the essence of our forward-thinking investment strategy. It embodies our belief that knowledge is not only power but the key to unlocking the immense potential for positive change through investments that are not only financially sound but also socially and environmentally responsible.


Meyha Camara

A conversation with Vincent Stanley, director of Philosophy Patagonia: “Our philosophy is ingrained in what people do in the company.”


It’s an icon. A brand highly recognizable with its flashy color robust bags and its several commitments towards a sustainable future since the early days of 1973. Patagonia has served as an example for many years way beyond its industry and one of the early employees, Vincent Stanley, serving now as the Director of Philosophy, have been at the heart of the story, he knows everything inside out.


Guillaume Bregeras

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