Rencontrez Éric Carreel, Co-founder & Chairman, Withings

Éric Carreel
Co-founder & Chairman, Withings
Éric Carreel is the co-founder and President of Withings, a company dedicated to improving health via an ecosystem of connected devices which are clinically validated and multi-award-winning range is used by millions worldwide and includes smart scales, hybrid watches, blood pressure monitors, sleep analyzers, and more.
As an engineer, Carreel launched his first company in 1990 and in 2008 co-founded Withings. Carreel’s commitment to innovation is part of a larger vision as he is the leader of several other startups in the field of new technologies, has authored more than 50 patents, and is a leading figure in France’s technology ecosystem. Carreel remains driven by a passion to build technology that can improve people’s health.
Dates clés
Eric obtained his PhD in radiocommunication engineering and, together with Jacques Lewiner, launched his first company, Inventel.
Creation of Withings with Cédric Hutchings and Frédéric Potter.
Integrates the French Academy of Technologies
Eric acquires back Withings to Nokia after selling the company 2 years before.