Meet Christian Couturier, Director, Solagro

Christian Couturier
Director, Solagro
Christian Couturier is an energy engineer, director of Solagro and one of the scriptwriters behind Afterres.
He coordinates the association’s systems approach to ecological transitions. A recognized expert in bioenergy and local energy strategies, he is also a member of the association négaWatts.
Key Dates
After studying at ENSEEIHT, he joined Solagro. A pioneer of the biomethane sector in France, he took part in the natural gas for vehicles program in Ginestous (Haute-Garonne) in 1988, then in Lille (Nord), to run the city's buses on biogas. He went on to work on the valorization of gas from the Montech storage facility (Tarn-et-Garonne), the first injection of biomethane into the French gas network. He contributed to the creation of Club Biogaz of ATEE, for which he is vice-president until 2022.
Since its creation, he has been a member of the négaWatt association's group of energy experts and practitioners. Christian Couturier contributed to the five prospective scenarios for a carbon-neutral and 100% renewable France in 2050, in particular on the biomass part. He was President from 2014 to 2022.
At Solagro, Christian Couturier is co-author of the Afterres2050 scenario, a forward-looking scenario for land use in France (food and feed, bio-based materials, biomass, energy, etc.), which opens up and informs debate with farmers, local authorities, scientists, institutions, NGOs and businesses on the future of our food and farming system. In particular, it is working on the modelling of the agriculture and food sectors of the SNBC, and on ADEME's transition scenarios, using the MoSUT ("Modélisation Systémique de l'Usage des Terres" - Systemic Modelling of Land Use) tool.
Christian Couturier becomes CEO of Solagro. He joins the Board of Directors of CLER - the energy transition network that he has been following since its beginning, and for which he helped initiate the Tépos (Positive Energy Territories) network created in 2011. He has contributed to recent publications on the future of the food system and its energy and carbon footprint, grasslands and ruminant farming at the heart of the agricultural and food transition...