Meet Raphael Gueller, Co-founder & CDO, Sweep

Raphael Gueller
Co-founder & CDO, Sweep
Raphael is a cofounder and Chief Design Officer at Sweep, where he combines his sensibility for both good design and good business to help companies create a cleaner future. Previously, he served as Creative Director at Zendesk, helping scale the global brand team, and at creative studio Winkreative, sister agency of lifestyle magazine Monocle, where he helped global brands from Lexus to Wimbledon bring their stories to life across print and digital.
With a background in both management and creative – he holds a degree in business administration from the University of St Gallen (HSG) and is a self-taught designer – Raphael is passionate about pairing up business, psychology, and design to engage audiences and create real change.
Key Dates
I became a scout and would spend pretty much every weekend in nature, learning to appreciate our planet, as much as learning from very early on how to lead diverse teams
Finished my business studies, moved from Switzerland to London (via 8 months in Tokyo) and decided to become a designer instead of a banker or bog 4 consultant :)
Joined Zendesk and entered the tech world, helping build a design team between London and San Francisco, where I eventually met Rachel and Yannick as Zendesk acquired their first company Bime Analytics. Love at first sight.
Sweep starts. In great company (yes, with you!!!)