The Emerging Enterprise


Imagining the future of corporations in a changing world.

In a future marked by climate change, recurring crises, and technological transformations, how will the very nature of corporations, their business models, and ways of operating be transformed? And what role could corporations play with regard to these changes?

This reflection is rendered all the more necessary as virtually no foresight on the future of corporations exists. The Emerging Enterprise project, led by the Plurality University Network, intends to fill this gap.

From 2020 to 2022, The Emerging Enterprise brought together representatives from more than 40 businesses operating in France, as well as one trade union (CFDT), and researchers, to imagine 12 companies of the year 2050 with the help of 5 (mostly science fiction) writers.

Out of these fictional corporations of the future, we have extracted 10 “Archetypes” of businesses of the future, some quite different from today’s corporations, others more recognizable yet significantly transformed.

Download this first to understand how the archetypes were created.

About Plurality University Network (U+):

U+ focuses on collaborative and interdisciplinary learning, promoting the exchange of ideas and knowledge among participants from different cultures and backgrounds. The organization’s goal is to create a stimulating learning environment that encourages participants to develop their creativity and ability to innovate. Plurality university’s training programs are designed to address current challenges in society, such as climate change, poverty, and social exclusion, and to encourage participants to find creative and innovative solutions to these problems.

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