Core Team
Meet Aude Duprat, our General Secretary

Aude Duprat
General Secretary
Former General Secretary of Elaia Partners with whom Marie worked with great confidence from 2005 to 2011, Aude joins the adventure as General Secretary. Aude is convinced that acting at her own level is the key to happiness. Considering each individual in his or her uniqueness, she places trust at the heart of success.
With strong interpersonal skills, her choice has always been guided by the quality of her work environment. As Operational Manager for Ikea’s purchasing office in France, she managed the stores’ supply chain in a team, from negotiating production capacities to optimizing transport. During visits to Ikea’s suppliers in Europe, she learned how to turn the difficulties encountered into strength. Attracted by new technologies, she joined Elaia Partners as an assistant first and then as General Secretary. Driven by her desire to be more available for her children, who were teenagers at the time, she decided to launch her own business as an independent Real Estate Negotiator. Convinced that you harvest what you sow, she tested the benefits of transparency as a way of doing business and focused on customer satisfaction and loyalty.