
Meet Philippe Pointereau, Founder, Solagro

Philippe Pointereau

Founder, Solagro

An agricultural engineer (EI Purpan) and founding member of Solagro, he is a specialist in agri-environmental assessment and co-author of the Afterres2050 scenario. He has accompanied many territories in their agricultural and food transition projects (Grenoble Metropole, PAT Clermont, Eau du Bassin Rennais…).

He set up the evaluation method for the Payments for Environmental Services (PES) of the Adour-Garonne Water Agency.

He initiated the DIALECTE tool, the High Natural Value (HVN) label, the OSAE platform, the Adonis map of pesticides.

Recognized expert at the national and European level, he has been involved in research and development projects (BioNutriNet, Bagages…). He has contributed to numerous scientific articles on the impacts of organic and more plant-based diets on health and the environment.

He is the author of numerous studies, the most recent of which are Le Revers de notre assiette, La Face cachée de nos consommations, Afterres050 Biodiversité, Le pouvoir de notre assiette.

He is an administrator of the Fondation Terre de Liens, where he represents Solagro, and of the Association Française d’Agronomie.

Key Dates

He founded Solagro
Expert at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
First Afterres2050 scenario
BioNutriNet research project with Inserm (in charge of the environmental footprint of a diet)

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