When the air is polluted, it affects every environment


Pollution can be caused by a variety of activities: industry, agriculture, transport, human activity, household waste, etc. No matter where you are, there are always some traces of pollution. Although air quality is the most cross-cutting issue when it comes to pollution, it is important not to focus too narrowly, because human health and the environment are inextricably linked. That’s what Jacques Patris, Chairman of ATMO Hauts-de-France, explains in an interview.


Jacques Patris

Chairman of Atmo HDF, Member of the Atmo France Board and National Air/Health Coordinator for Atmo France.

Addiction doesn’t just happen!


The use of psychoactive substances, whether these are legal (tobacco, alcohol, anti-anxiety medications, hypnotic medications, opioid-based medications) or illegal (cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, new synthetic drugs, etc.), or screen-based behaviours (social networking, online sexual activities, gambling, video games, shopping) follows a gradual path from simple use to excessive or problematic use to addiction (also known as dependence).


Professor Laurent Karila

Psychiatrist specialised in addiction

“Take care of body and mind” : Withings is 2050’s first aligned investment


Last Spring, in the midst of the pandemic and (first) lockdown, 2050 took part in the €53 million fundraising of Withings, pioneer company in connected healthcare objects, alongside a group of European investors led by Gilde Healthcare, Idinvest and Bpifrance.


Anne-Lise Bance

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